Red Flags Workshops - The Waterfront Hall

Wednesday 16th August

Girls aged 10 - 12: 11am - 12.30pm
Girls aged 13+: 1.30pm - 3pm

FREE - please book using the links below

Northern Powerhouse Boxing Academy is putting on a free show at HB Town Hall called "Red Flags". The show explores what healthy vs unhealthy relationships can look like for young women and girls.

Using trained actors, the audience can watch scenarios unfold and then talk to the characters and ask insightful questions, interacting with actors to identify 'red flags' allowing them to become more aware of behaviours and their reactions. This lively 90-minute session is delivered by trained actors from SoundProof Box CIC and presented by Reach4Ward Youth Project and NPBA

Red Flags 1 brings to light bullying behaviour that can often be seen in friendship groups of younger girls.  

Red Flags 2 is about a young couple meeting at a party whose story revolves around coercive and controlling behaviour.  

This show is free to attend with support from Reach4Ward, Hebden Bridge Town Hall Crucible Fund and the Mayor of West Yorkshires Safer Communities Fund.

There is a programme of events aimed at tween and teenage girls being delivered over the summer, for full details, please see the Northern Powerhouse Boxing Academy website


We are recruiting: Duty Officer at the Town Hall


August Events at the Town Hall